Yes, Understanding Oatmeal could actually change your life forever
There is so much broadcasting done to each of us on a daily basis that often times as we sort through all the “Announcements” we forget where we are going and get pulled along with the crowd on someone else’s path.
Plant your feet.
If we truly desire to live a life of supernatural magic and joy, we must stop chasing our tails, follow the crowd. Do you desire in your life what the crowd has or do you dream of living life differently?
I personally understand why we are hurried, stressed and often frantic society demands that we live from our heads, be logical when our instincts insist we follow our heart. We are pushed for time and starved of our serenity by an ingrained idea that tells us to expect instant gratification.
I too am guilty of often thinking with my head but reaching an age of infinite wisdom (That might be a little sarcasm) recently…. I remembered why it is so much more important to follow your heart.
When My Grandmother was alive we talked every day until she was no longer able. I cannot even recount the times she called to tell me she was out of oatmeal.
Yes, I said Oatmeal, “Granny Zett” as we called her, Did not drive so when she called she would usually have a list of things she needed me to pick up for her. The top item on the list was always oatmeal.
Often times I would feel frustrated with having to go buy oatmeal, 2 or 3 times a week and I remember thinking “Dear God How much Oatmeal can one little old lady eat?”
I worked 40 hours a week and went to College Full Time. But, I always stopped what I was doing and went to get her list. We would chat about what she was working on, Usually a quilt, She would show me patterns and designs and how to make pretty and strong stitches by hand. Sewing Machines were for sissies. I would do her shopping, come back unload and sometimes I would take the time to sit with her while she watched her afternoon “stories”
Being Older now I am so thankful I followed my heart at those times instead of my head. When she had to leave her home to live in assisted care ( she had a stroke) We cleaned her home and to my utter surprise, we found Oatmeal, And more Oatmeal… And Yes More Oatmeal.
Nearly every cabinet had an unopened box of Oatmeal, stuffed way in the back, often hidden behind dishes or pots and pans. I honestly believe that we could have fed the country on Granny Zett’s oatmeal supply, and I realized She never wanted oatmeal, understanding oatmeal, she wanted to feel loved and she needed companionship.
My Grandfather had passed and she was so alone. And the best way she knew how to cure her loneliness was to order up some oatmeal. I delivered.
I’m so thankful now that I did. I cannot imagine not knowing how to hand stitch a quilt or make fried apple pies and while I don’t think I will ever understand the “Young and the Restless” sitting there watching her weathered hands stitching quilts and eating fried apple pies were some of the best times I had with her and I never would have gained that knowledge if it were not for Granny always needing oatmeal.
Now when friends or family call and I stop everything to listen or share my husband will quietly ask is this Oatmeal?
Yes, Honey, It’s all oatmeal.
Understanding oatmeal is not about instant gratification and instant gratification is not all it is cracked up to be, This journey is not that long and people you care for need oatmeal, Let the world turn, You don’t have to be in a hurry to get to where you are going, it will still be there after you deliver the oatmeal, sew a few stitches and eat a fried apple pie.
If you have not already got your life planner now is the time and be sure to pencil in Oatmeal!